
New MIGNEX training resources and data available

The impact of MIGNEX lies partly in promoting quality and innovation in migration research and supporting new generations of researchers.

We have created a go-to training portal with resources for researchers and students.

By Hannah Murray, Jessica Hagen-Zanker – Published on

This week, MIGNEX launched a new training and data portal, with training resources and data for researchers and students. In this news piece, we give a brief overview of the resources available. You can also explore them for yourself, here.

MIGNEX Training Resources

MIGNEX has developed best practices in a number of different areas, ranging from project management to quantitative and qualitative data collection. We are committed to sharing our learnings with others, and have made a wide range of resources, including training videos, handbooks and insight pieces.

MIGNEX training resources includes guidance on: survey data collection; qualitative data collection, project management and research communications. Beyond this, it includes details and guidance on how to access to MIGNEX datasets.


All the public-use data MIGNEX data will be uploaded in the MIGNEX community on Zenodo at the end of the project. An anonymised version of the dataset will then be publically available for anyone to use.

MIGNEX Survey Teaching Dataset

The MIGNEX Survey Teaching Dataset is a resource for training in survey data analyses. The data is a subsample from the MIGNEX Survey which was designed to yield insights on connections between migration, development and policy. Find out more on the data and how to obtain access, here.

The full MIGNEX Survey Dataset will be made publicly available at the end of the project period. The MIGNEX Survey Teaching Dataset provides an opportunity for teaching in the meantime.

Instructors can obtain the data file and share it with their students.  

Additional documentation or teaching materials specifically for the MIGNEX Survey Teaching Dataset might be made available. Subscribe to the MIGNEX Newsletter to be alerted.

Copyright for thumbnail image: Data collection in Youhanabad. Jovairiah Batool for MIGNEX.

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