MIGNEX Case Study Brief

Migration and development dynamics in Keti Bandar, Pakistan

Cover image: Migration and development dynamics in Keti Bandar, Pakistan

The Indus River Delta has shaped lives and livelihoods in Keti Bandar, a once-prosperous fishing port where the impacts of climate change and debt in a global, fishery-based economy are pervasive.

Key takeaways
Many young adults reported feeling a strong connection with Keti Bandar, and a sense of peace and safety there.
Migration – both internal and international – is not a widespread occurrence, nor an aspiration. The majority of young adults (95%) expected to stay in Keti Bandar in the next five years.
Keti Bandar had been experiencing internal in-migration, increasingly from nearby islands that became uninhabitable due to rising sea levels.

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Erdal, M.B. Kahn, F. Memon, R. Nisar, S. Raj, P. Ramchand, N. Murray, H. (2022) Migration and development dynamics in Keti Bandar, Pakistan. MIGNEX Case Study Brief. Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo.