MIGNEX Case Study Briefs

Migration and development dynamics in Kilis, Turkey

Cover image: Migration and development dynamics in Kilis, Turkey

Mass emigration to Kilis during the Syrian civil war led to rapid spatial, cultural, and demographic transformation. Despite humanitarian interventions, Kilis faces challenges in infrastructure and social cohesion.

By Pınar Ensari, Nilay Kavur, Hannah Murray – Published on 13 September 2022
Key takeaways
The increased population and the closing of the Turkey–Syria border brought about major transformation for Kilis, including infrastructure and social protection reform.
There is a pervasive perception of abandonment by the state, and many feel there are limited opportunities for them in Kilis.
Just under half (46%) of surveyed young adults grew up in Kilis. Of the Syrian respondents, 30% grew up elsewhere in Turkey; 62% grew up in another country - mostly Syria (98%).

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Ensari, P. Kavur, N. Murray, H. (2022) Migration and development dynamics in Kilis, Turkey. MIGNEX Case Study Brief. Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo.