MIGNEX Case Study Brief

Migration and development dynamics in Gbane, Ghana

Cover image: Migration and development dynamics in Gbane, Ghana

Major development interventions have contributed to a prominent mining sector in Gbane. Yet a lack of job opportunities and severe land degradation are having an increasing impact on lives and livelihoods.

By Marie Godin, Leander Kandilige, Hannah Murray – Published on 20 April 2022
Key takeaways
Over half of young adults (65%) in Gbane consider it difficult to earn a living and feed a family.
Internal migration, both to and from Gbane, is a major livelihood strategy for young adults. This, however, varies considerably between men and women.
While international migration is a common aspiration, it is perceived as a distant option. Less than 1% of young adults have lived abroad for at least one year.

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Godin, M. Kandilige, L. and Murray, H. (2022) Migration dynamics in Gbane, Ghana. MIGNEX Case Study Brief. Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo.