MIGNEX Case Study Brief

Migration and development dynamics in Awe, Nigeria

Cover image: Migration and development dynamics in Awe, Nigeria

Awe is a long-standing migration destination for agricultural workers across Nigeria, yet livelihoods and mobility are increasingly impacted by conflict, erosion, and flooding

By George A. Genyi, Esther Anenge Gbaden, Moizza Binat Sarwar, Hannah Murray – Published on 27 September 2022
Key takeaways
Most young adults (80%) grew up in Awe, the rest (20%) are internal in-migrants from elsewhere in Nigeria.
Out-migration is uncommon. Most young adults (84%) expect to stay in Nigeria over the next five years, the majority of whom (75%) expect to stay in Awe.
When people do leave, it is largely to other areas of Nigeria. One-third (35%) of young adults know of someone who has migrated internally in the past five years – often for farming in areas considered more peaceful.

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Genyi, G. Gbaden, E. Binat-Sarwar, M. Murray, H. (2022) Migration and development dynamics in Awe, Nigeria. MIGNEX Case Study Brief. Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo.