MIGNEX Case Study Brief

Migration and development dynamics in Golf City, Ghana

Cover image: Migration and development dynamics in Golf City, Ghana

Golf City has seen significant investment in industrial, infrastructural and utilities projects, yet an emphasis on private development has led to significant socioeconomic inequality.

By Marie Godin, Leander Kandilige, Hannah Murray – Published on 29 April 2022
Key takeaways
In-migration for agricultural and business opportunities has transformed the broader Golf City community, with most young adults (75%) being internal migrants.
A lack of planning and investment has led to significant inequalities and limited livelihood support for many young adults.
While international migration is a common aspiration, it is perceived as a distant option. Most young adults (72%) expect to stay in Golf City in the next five years.

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Godin, M, Kandilige, L. and Murray, H. (2022) Migration and development dynamics in Golf City, Ghana. MIGNEX Case Study Brief. Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo.