MIGNEX Policy Brief

The implications of (mis)managing transit migration


Transit migration management is a major policy response to irregular migration in most destination countries. It is detrimental not only to migrants, but also transit countries instrumentalised by security and short-term approaches.

By Hervé Nicolle – Published on 28 April 2023
Key takeaways
Transit migration is a politicised policy area, inseparable from attempts to externalise border controls and curb irregular migration, particularly to European countries.
The externalisation of borders, delegation of responsibilities and security threaten migrants' human rights and the political, social and economic stability of local communities.
The (mis)management of transit migration can have consequences for countries of origin, transit and destination.

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Nicolle, H. (2023) The implications of (mis)managing transit migration. MIGNEX Policy Brief. Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo.