Journal article
Using satellite maps to build sampling frames in migration surveys

Migration surveys often lack reliable sampling frames, or lists of the population of interest from which to draw representative samples. The Aligning Migration Management and the Migration-Development Nexus (MIGNEX) project developed a sampling strategy building on recent developments in spatial sampling that take geographic units as starting points for sampling, facilitated by readily available satellite imagery, remote sensing, and GPS technology. In this chapter, I share lessons learned on the simple process developed for MIGNEX. It involved sourcing open-access satellite maps, identifying smaller clusters within the local area, applying stratification if needed, estimating the number of households within clusters, and then verifying estimates. While there were some challenges in applying the process, it proved to be an effective process to build sampling frames where there were none. Moreover, it presents practical advantages due to its low-cost nature and relatively achievable technical and software requirements.
Read here: Handbook of Research Methods in Migration